The act of reading may have evolved over the past decade, often yielding to electronic articles + social media for our daily information consumption, (hello + welcome!). Little Free Libraries, however, is a movement dedicated to promoting the value of books and maintaining the community surrounding them. You may have noticed one of the miniature house-shaped boxes in your neighbourhood before, showcasing all of your neighbours' guilty pleasure reads. Anyone can submit to register for their block with the encouragement to decorate the library in a unique + creative way that’s inviting to its surrounding residents.
The general rule of thumb? Take a book; leave a book. This is such an immersive opportunity to make ideas accessible for anyone in the area. It’s often regarded that storytelling plays a pivotal role amongst communities in how we communicate, collaborate and evolve; a practice we want to see thriving in our modern culture! In lieu, we’ve rounded up some great local renditions of the 'Little Free Libraries' in neighbourhoods across Vancouver, British Columbia. Keep scrolling to take a tour of these miniature masterpieces:
For us, reading in all its forms inspires other perspectives which may in turn produce new concepts, approaches and projects! What’s your favourite way to read & what do you like to read?
You can find little libraries in your neighbourhood with the LFL map here.
Stay Creative,